January marked the end of the long December Holiday and a beginning to a beautiful new term where we get to instill knowledge and Impact learners in as many ways as possible.
Glowing smiles, hugs and laughter were  in order throughout the week. Students and pupils caught up on what they had missed, and shared with each other of the great celebrations and travels during the holiday. There was a large rush for space in the new classes, as students adjusted to the next levels. This was an awesome experience to watch, as students were so very eager to return to classes.World Hope Academy continues to foster equality int he classroom, and admissions. This term three new students joined Hope Senior School who are Muslim and we are looking forward to a few more joining our senior school soon. This is an indicator that our program is indeed headed in the right direction and we are always glad to receive students from other religions so we can influence them just as Christ did to us. Our top student in grade 8 last year was a Muslim when she joined us at a young age but she now has great mastery of the word of God thanks to our programs like Awana and every day Bible class she managed to score a B + (Plus) in her final Christian Religious education class. This is just another example of how we are influencing students spiritually as well as in he classroom. We are all excited for World Hope Academy and World Hope Senior School this year, as we have many programs arranged to benefit the kids and teachers alike. We pray that 2014 will be a year of great harvest as we keep attracting more and more students and faculty into our family through our growing programs.
We are pleased to welcome all our new kids and parents and for sure they shall not be disappointed for choosing to work with us.