

A Legacy of Hope

The education of national pastors has been a key priority for World Hope in our evangelistic efforts around the globe. In September of 1999, we launched our first pastor’s school in southern India. 1,350 pastors were enrolled in the school and began laying the groundwork for a great harvest of souls.

Less than a year later, World Hope launched a “Jesus Saves Crusade” with 75,000 in attendance. Thousands prayed to receive Christ, and a new church was planted the following Sunday with 2,000 in attendance. Our work with Pastor Joshua continues to flourish; the pastor’s school is still training pastors, churches are still being planted, and the Hope of Jesus continues to impact the hopeless.

How can YOU help?

We believe YOU are the difference in bringing hope to the hopeless. You can help make a difference by praying, giving or going.


We understand we can’t do this alone would you pray with us that we can impact our world in a life changing way.


Giving to World Hope accelerates hope where it is desperately needed, it could be the difference of a child having hope.


Join us on a missions trip and bring Hope with a smile, a helping hand and invest in people that need Hope.
